If you don't want to be completely invincible but do want to keep your ticker pumping, this is the cheat for you.

Xbox: Y, RT, LEFT, LB, A, RIGHT, Y, Down, X, LB, LB, LB.PlayStation:TRIANGLE, R2, LEFT, L1, X, RIGHT, TRIANGLE, DOWN, SQUARE, L1, L1, L1.It's a box of lethal toys for you to play with - just be careful not to accidentally blow yourself up. That means you'll have pockets crammed with everything from the basic pistols to the grenade launcher and everything in between. Enter this cheat and you'll spawn all weapons and max out the ammo for each one. The first set of codes to get your hands on all relate to weapons and making the player a completely lethal killing machine. We've broken up the GTA 5 cheats into sections, so scroll through to the cheat you want, then find the code for the platform you're playing on. While we don't explicitly detail the buttosn for PS5 and Xbox Series consoles, they are the same as if you were playing on PS4 or Xbox One.

On PC, all you need to do is press the command/tilde button (~) and enter the cheat from there. You can also press up on the d-pad to bring up your character's cell phone, then enter the cell phone cheat and it will have the same effect. For Xbox One, Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Xbox 360 or PS3, just tap the relevant buttons. It's easy enough using these cheats on your console of choice. This page? This page right here is about making the most of GTA 5 cheats to ensure the single-player fun continues well after our three boys have retired, and you're looking for more ways to escalate the carnage across Los Santos and Blaine County. If you're looking for help with multiplayer madness, we have you covered with this extensive GTA Online guide. And GTA Online, a sprawling, ever-growing online multiplayer criminal simulation, where players can spend their time doing anything from sticking up a local liquor store to running a city-wide criminal empire. The single-player campaign of GTA 5 which follows the misadventures of Trevor, Michael and Franklin as they pursue a last-ditch criminal career in Los Santos.

GTA 5 is effectively two different games.